For this Child we have prayed

For this Child we have prayed

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


Several of you, my readers, have confided in me that you also have PCOS: Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome.  Some of you have asked me for advice on how I manage it.  Let me begin by saying I am not a doctor and do not pretend to understand all of the medical side of things.  Please do not take this as advice for what I am suggesting you to do; I am simply using my limited understanding to try and explain what I have tried to manage PCOS.  The best piece of advice I can give you is to find a doctor you trust and then trust their advice.
While there have been various fertility treatments and medicines we have tried over the last few years, there are two major ways I have been consistently managing the PCOS. The first is by taking a prescription called Metformin.  It is a diabetes medicine and has something to do with helping your body manage insulin, which seems to be part of the problem with PCOS.  To be honest, I can’t quite explain the link, but when the doctor explained it, it made sense and I’ve had other women with PCOS tell me they are on it as well.  This is when I say to find a doctor you trust who you could ask if you want more information about the link between Metformin and PCOS. 
  The second way is by (trying) to follow the advice from a book called The Fertility Diet.  If you are interested in reading it, here is the link to order it on Amazon. It is published by doctors and is researched based.  The whole book is telling 10 life style changes to make to manage ovulation related infertility, which obviously includes PCOS.  Most of the advice they give is actually just healthy living advice that we all know and just resist following, like drink lots of water and less Coke. 
1.       Avoid trans fats
2.       Use more saturated vegetable oils, like olive oil
3.       Eat more vegetable proteins
4.       Choose whole grains and other carbs that are slower to digest
5.       Have a serving of whole fat dairy
6.       Take a multivitamin with Folic acid and B vitamins
7.       Get iron from fruits, vegetables, beans, and supplements, but not red meat
8.       Drink a ton of water; drink some coffee, tea, or alcohol; but don’t drink sugary sodas
9.       Aim for a healthy weight
10.   Exercise daily

Alright, I am announcing my New Year’s Resolution online: Make a more purposeful attempt to follow the Fertility Diet.  You will notice that even though it’s called a “diet” it’s not all about food.  Number 10 is about working out and this is probably the number one place I have room for growth.  I know I said I wasn’t giving advice, but the teacher in me says it’s never bad advice to read a book, so I will recant my previous statement and recommend this book!  It is a pretty easy read and it truly breaks down each step so you understand what specifically you should do, why it is important, and what impact it makes on your health.  If all else fails, most of them are just good tips for living a healthier lifestyle.  Except number 5.  That one says whole dairy products are better for ovulation, so go make yourself a bowl of ice cream and enjoy reading this book!

Monday, January 12, 2015

While I'm Waiting

I think God is nudging me.  I haven't heard the song that is the name sake for this blog on the radio in months and the last 3 days I have heard it every day on the radio.  I guess God wants me to listen to the lyrics of the song that I have chosen to name this blog after. ( ) This is the first time I have sat down to write a blog entry without a clear direction in mind, but here it goes...

Today in class we had a great discussion about when God tells us "no" or "not yet" or "I love you too much to give you that".  Obviously, I didn't give the example of infertility in my life, but I did talk about the first time I applied to teach at Whitefield and the answer was, "not yet".  Through that experience, I was able to meet many great friends at KCSMA, but I was so glad the following year when I re-applied and God's answer was "Yes!  This IS where I am calling you now!"  Several students were disappointed in class today because they didn't win the "Math Olympics" for 5th grade.  We discussed how disappointment is important to learning that, no, we're not able to do these good things on our own so when we do succeed in something it is only by the grace of God.

It hurts because I want to be pregnant so much.  I want my body to work on its own the way it's supposed to.  In my head, I know that God's plan is better than mine and I can explain all of the theology behind that to my 5th graders. I know that we are called to worship our Lord even if we’re not in the circumstance we would choose to be in.  Slowly, He is teaching my heart to have patience and worship while I’m waiting.  There are still days where I am overcome by sadness, but there are other days when I can laugh because even though this is so far from where I imagined I would be in life right now, God still gives me joy.  My prayer truly is that I will be able to worship while I’m waiting, even if it’s not where I would choose to be.  Of course, I keep praying that soon I will be able to worship God in the journey of motherhood and I thank everyone who joins me in that prayer.  Also, I would like to tell those of you who have confided in me that you share that same desire, I am praying for your family as well.